using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class ArrowBehaviour : MonoBehaviour { // From: public float speed = 100; public Vector3 target; public float arcHeight = 2; Vector3 _startPosition; float _stepScale; float _progress; void Start() { _startPosition = transform.position; float distance = Vector3.Distance(_startPosition, target); // This is one divided by the total flight duration, to help convert it to 0-1 progress. _stepScale = speed / distance; } void Update() { // Increment our progress from 0 at the start, to 1 when we arrive. _progress = Mathf.Min(_progress + Time.deltaTime * _stepScale, 1.0f); // Turn this 0-1 value into a parabola that goes from 0 to 1, then back to 0. float parabola = 1.0f - 4.0f * (_progress - 0.5f) * (_progress - 0.5f); // Travel in a straight line from our start position to the target. Vector3 nextPos = Vector3.Lerp(_startPosition, target, _progress); // Then add a vertical arc in excess of this. nextPos.y += parabola * arcHeight; // Continue as before. transform.LookAt(nextPos, Vector3.forward); transform.position = nextPos; // I presume you disable/destroy the arrow in Arrived so it doesn't keep arriving. if(_progress >= 1.0f) Arrived(); } void Arrived() { Destroy(this.gameObject); } }