231 lines
7.9 KiB
231 lines
7.9 KiB
## A RichTextLabel specifically for use with [b]Dialogue Manager[/b] dialogue.
class_name DialogueLabel extends RichTextLabel
## Emitted for each letter typed out.
signal spoke(letter: String, letter_index: int, speed: float)
## Emitted when typing paused for a `[wait]`
signal paused_typing(duration: float)
## Emitted when the player skips the typing of dialogue.
signal skipped_typing()
## Emitted when typing finishes.
signal finished_typing()
# The action to press to skip typing.
@export var skip_action: StringName = &"ui_cancel"
## The speed with which the text types out.
@export var seconds_per_step: float = 0.02
## Automatically have a brief pause when these characters are encountered.
@export var pause_at_characters: String = ".?!"
## Don't auto pause if the character after the pause is one of these.
@export var skip_pause_at_character_if_followed_by: String = ")\""
## Don't auto pause after these abbreviations (only if "." is in `pause_at_characters`).[br]
## Abbreviations are limitted to 5 characters in length [br]
## Does not support multi-period abbreviations (ex. "p.m.")
@export var skip_pause_at_abbreviations: PackedStringArray = ["Mr", "Mrs", "Ms", "Dr", "etc", "eg", "ex"]
## The amount of time to pause when exposing a character present in `pause_at_characters`.
@export var seconds_per_pause_step: float = 0.3
var _already_mutated_indices: PackedInt32Array = []
## The current line of dialogue.
var dialogue_line:
dialogue_line = next_dialogue_line
custom_minimum_size = Vector2.ZERO
text = dialogue_line.text
return dialogue_line
## Whether the label is currently typing itself out.
var is_typing: bool = false:
var is_finished: bool = is_typing != value and value == false
is_typing = value
if is_finished:
return is_typing
var _last_wait_index: int = -1
var _last_mutation_index: int = -1
var _waiting_seconds: float = 0
var _is_awaiting_mutation: bool = false
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
if self.is_typing:
# Type out text
if visible_ratio < 1:
# See if we are waiting
if _waiting_seconds > 0:
_waiting_seconds = _waiting_seconds - delta
# If we are no longer waiting then keep typing
if _waiting_seconds <= 0:
_type_next(delta, _waiting_seconds)
# Make sure any mutations at the end of the line get run
self.is_typing = false
func _unhandled_input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
# Note: this will no longer be reached if using Dialogue Manager > 2.32.2. To make skip handling
# simpler (so all of mouse/keyboard/joypad are together) it is now the responsibility of the
# dialogue balloon.
if self.is_typing and visible_ratio < 1 and InputMap.has_action(skip_action) and event.is_action_pressed(skip_action):
## Start typing out the text
func type_out() -> void:
text = dialogue_line.text
visible_characters = 0
visible_ratio = 0
_waiting_seconds = 0
_last_wait_index = -1
_last_mutation_index = -1
self.is_typing = true
# Allow typing listeners a chance to connect
await get_tree().process_frame
if get_total_character_count() == 0:
self.is_typing = false
elif seconds_per_step == 0:
visible_characters = get_total_character_count()
self.is_typing = false
## Stop typing out the text and jump right to the end
func skip_typing() -> void:
visible_characters = get_total_character_count()
self.is_typing = false
# Type out the next character(s)
func _type_next(delta: float, seconds_needed: float) -> void:
if _is_awaiting_mutation: return
if visible_characters == get_total_character_count():
if _last_mutation_index != visible_characters:
_last_mutation_index = visible_characters
if _is_awaiting_mutation: return
var additional_waiting_seconds: float = _get_pause(visible_characters)
# Pause on characters like "."
if _should_auto_pause():
additional_waiting_seconds += seconds_per_pause_step
# Pause at literal [wait] directives
if _last_wait_index != visible_characters and additional_waiting_seconds > 0:
_last_wait_index = visible_characters
_waiting_seconds += additional_waiting_seconds
visible_characters += 1
if visible_characters <= get_total_character_count():
spoke.emit(get_parsed_text()[visible_characters - 1], visible_characters - 1, _get_speed(visible_characters))
# See if there's time to type out some more in this frame
seconds_needed += seconds_per_step * (1.0 / _get_speed(visible_characters))
if seconds_needed > delta:
_waiting_seconds += seconds_needed
_type_next(delta, seconds_needed)
# Get the pause for the current typing position if there is one
func _get_pause(at_index: int) -> float:
return dialogue_line.pauses.get(at_index, 0)
# Get the speed for the current typing position
func _get_speed(at_index: int) -> float:
var speed: float = 1
for index in dialogue_line.speeds:
if index > at_index:
return speed
speed = dialogue_line.speeds[index]
return speed
# Run any inline mutations that haven't been run yet
func _mutate_remaining_mutations() -> void:
for i in range(visible_characters, get_total_character_count() + 1):
# Run any mutations at the current typing position
func _mutate_inline_mutations(index: int) -> void:
for inline_mutation in dialogue_line.inline_mutations:
# inline mutations are an array of arrays in the form of [character index, resolvable function]
if inline_mutation[0] > index:
if inline_mutation[0] == index and not _already_mutated_indices.has(index):
_is_awaiting_mutation = true
# The DialogueManager can't be referenced directly here so we need to get it by its path
await Engine.get_singleton("DialogueManager").mutate(inline_mutation[1], dialogue_line.extra_game_states, true)
_is_awaiting_mutation = false
# Determine if the current autopause character at the cursor should qualify to pause typing.
func _should_auto_pause() -> bool:
if visible_characters == 0: return false
var parsed_text: String = get_parsed_text()
# Avoid outofbounds when the label auto-translates and the text changes to one shorter while typing out
# Note: visible characters can be larger than parsed_text after a translation event
if visible_characters >= parsed_text.length(): return false
# Ignore pause characters if they are next to a non-pause character
if parsed_text[visible_characters] in skip_pause_at_character_if_followed_by.split():
return false
# Ignore "." if it's between two numbers
if visible_characters > 3 and parsed_text[visible_characters - 1] == ".":
var possible_number: String = parsed_text.substr(visible_characters - 2, 3)
if str(float(possible_number)).pad_decimals(1) == possible_number:
return false
# Ignore "." if it's used in an abbreviation
# Note: does NOT support multi-period abbreviations (ex. p.m.)
if "." in pause_at_characters and parsed_text[visible_characters - 1] == ".":
for abbreviation in skip_pause_at_abbreviations:
if visible_characters >= abbreviation.length():
var previous_characters: String = parsed_text.substr(visible_characters - abbreviation.length() - 1, abbreviation.length())
if previous_characters == abbreviation:
return false
# Ignore two non-"." characters next to each other
var other_pause_characters: PackedStringArray = pause_at_characters.replace(".", "").split()
if visible_characters > 1 and parsed_text[visible_characters - 1] in other_pause_characters and parsed_text[visible_characters] in other_pause_characters:
return false
return parsed_text[visible_characters - 1] in pause_at_characters.split()