using Godot; using Godot.Collections; namespace DialogueManagerRuntime { public partial class ExampleBalloon : CanvasLayer { [Export] public string NextAction = "ui_accept"; [Export] public string SkipAction = "ui_cancel"; Control balloon; RichTextLabel characterLabel; RichTextLabel dialogueLabel; VBoxContainer responsesMenu; Resource resource; Array temporaryGameStates = new Array(); bool isWaitingForInput = false; bool willHideBalloon = false; DialogueLine dialogueLine; DialogueLine DialogueLine { get => dialogueLine; set { isWaitingForInput = false; balloon.FocusMode = Control.FocusModeEnum.All; balloon.GrabFocus(); if (value == null) { QueueFree(); return; } dialogueLine = value; UpdateDialogue(); } } public override void _Ready() { balloon = GetNode("%Balloon"); characterLabel = GetNode("%CharacterLabel"); dialogueLabel = GetNode("%DialogueLabel"); responsesMenu = GetNode("%ResponsesMenu"); balloon.Hide(); balloon.GuiInput += (@event) => { if ((bool)dialogueLabel.Get("is_typing")) { bool mouseWasClicked = @event is InputEventMouseButton && (@event as InputEventMouseButton).ButtonIndex == MouseButton.Left && @event.IsPressed(); bool skipButtonWasPressed = @event.IsActionPressed(SkipAction); if (mouseWasClicked || skipButtonWasPressed) { GetViewport().SetInputAsHandled(); dialogueLabel.Call("skip_typing"); return; } } if (!isWaitingForInput) return; if (dialogueLine.Responses.Count > 0) return; GetViewport().SetInputAsHandled(); if (@event is InputEventMouseButton && @event.IsPressed() && (@event as InputEventMouseButton).ButtonIndex == MouseButton.Left) { Next(dialogueLine.NextId); } else if (@event.IsActionPressed(NextAction) && GetViewport().GuiGetFocusOwner() == balloon) { Next(dialogueLine.NextId); } }; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)responsesMenu.Get("next_action"))) { responsesMenu.Set("next_action", NextAction); } responsesMenu.Connect("response_selected", Callable.From((DialogueResponse response) => { Next(response.NextId); })); DialogueManager.Mutated += OnMutated; } public override void _ExitTree() { DialogueManager.Mutated -= OnMutated; } public override void _UnhandledInput(InputEvent @event) { // Only the balloon is allowed to handle input while it's showing GetViewport().SetInputAsHandled(); } public override async void _Notification(int what) { // Detect a change of locale and update the current dialogue line to show the new language if (what == NotificationTranslationChanged && IsInstanceValid(dialogueLabel)) { float visibleRatio = dialogueLabel.VisibleRatio; DialogueLine = await DialogueManager.GetNextDialogueLine(resource, DialogueLine.Id, temporaryGameStates); if (visibleRatio < 1.0f) { dialogueLabel.Call("skip_typing"); } } } public async void Start(Resource dialogueResource, string title, Array extraGameStates = null) { temporaryGameStates = extraGameStates ?? new Array(); isWaitingForInput = false; resource = dialogueResource; DialogueLine = await DialogueManager.GetNextDialogueLine(resource, title, temporaryGameStates); } public async void Next(string nextId) { DialogueLine = await DialogueManager.GetNextDialogueLine(resource, nextId, temporaryGameStates); } #region Helpers private async void UpdateDialogue() { if (!IsNodeReady()) { await ToSignal(this, SignalName.Ready); } // Set up the character name characterLabel.Visible = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dialogueLine.Character); characterLabel.Text = Tr(dialogueLine.Character, "dialogue"); // Set up the dialogue dialogueLabel.Hide(); dialogueLabel.Set("dialogue_line", dialogueLine); // Set up the responses responsesMenu.Hide(); responsesMenu.Set("responses", dialogueLine.Responses); // Type out the text balloon.Show(); willHideBalloon = false; dialogueLabel.Show(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dialogueLine.Text)) { dialogueLabel.Call("type_out"); await ToSignal(dialogueLabel, "finished_typing"); } // Wait for input if (dialogueLine.Responses.Count > 0) { balloon.FocusMode = Control.FocusModeEnum.None; responsesMenu.Show(); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dialogueLine.Time)) { float time = 0f; if (!float.TryParse(dialogueLine.Time, out time)) { time = dialogueLine.Text.Length * 0.02f; } await ToSignal(GetTree().CreateTimer(time), "timeout"); Next(dialogueLine.NextId); } else { isWaitingForInput = true; balloon.FocusMode = Control.FocusModeEnum.All; balloon.GrabFocus(); } } #endregion #region signals private void OnMutated(Dictionary _mutation) { isWaitingForInput = false; willHideBalloon = true; GetTree().CreateTimer(0.1f).Timeout += () => { if (willHideBalloon) { willHideBalloon = false; balloon.Hide(); } }; } #endregion } }