import * as tools from "./tools.js"; import * as Resource from "./ontology/resource.js"; import * as Games from "./games.js"; import * as Sprite from "./ontology/vgdl-sprite.js"; import * as Constants from "./ontology/constants.js"; import * as Avatars from "./ontology/avatar.js"; import * as Termination from "./ontology/termination.js"; import * as Condition from "./ontology/conditional.js"; import * as Effect from "./ontology/effect.js"; import * as Physics from "./ontology/physics.js"; import { killSprite, scoreChange } from "./ontology/effect.js"; import { BasicGame } from "./games.js"; const EVALS = { True: true, False: false, }; for (const x of [ tools, Games, Sprite, Constants, Avatars, Termination, Condition, Effect, Physics, Resource, ]) { const constantKeys = Object.keys(x); // 遍历属性并添加到字典中 constantKeys.forEach((key) => { EVALS[key] = x[key]; }); } export class Node { constructor(content, indent, parent = null, line = 0) { this.children = []; this.content = content; this.indent = indent; this.parent = null; this.line = line; if (parent) parent.insert(this); } insert = (node) => { if (this.indent < node.indent) { this.children.push(node); node.parent = this; } else { this.parent.insert(node); } }; getRoot = () => { if (this.parent) return this.parent.getRoot(); else return this; }; } function indentTreeParser(s = "", tabsize = 8) { s = s.replace("\t", " ".repeat(tabsize)); s = s.replace("(", " ").replace(")", " ").replace(",", " "); let lines = s.split("\n"); let last = new Node("", -1); const root = last; for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { let line = lines[i]; if (line.includes("#")) { line = line.split("#")[0]; } const content = line.trim(); if (content.length > 0) { const indent = line.length - line.trimStart().length; last = new Node(content, indent, last, i); } } // for (let line of lines) { // if(line.includes("#")){ // line = line.split("#")[0] // } // const content = line.trim() // if(content.length > 0){ // const indent = line.length - line.trimStart().length // last = new Node(content, indent, last) // } // } return root; } function _eval(estr) { if (estr === "True") return true; if (estr === "False") return false; try { return eval(estr); } catch (e) { if (!EVALS.hasOwnProperty(estr)) throw e; return eval(`EVALS.${estr}`); } } export class VGDLParser { game = null; images = ["error.png"]; ignore_colors = ["wall", "avatar"]; var_colors = {}; /** * * @param {string} tree * @param {number} seed * @returns {BasicGame} */ parseGame = (tree, seed = null) => { if (!(tree instanceof Node)) tree = indentTreeParser(tree); const root = tree.children[0]; const [sclass, args] = this.parseArgs(root.content); = new sclass(args); // Parse Parameter Set first for (const c of root.children) { if (c.content === "ParameterSet") { } } try { for (const c of root.children) { switch (c.content) { case "SpriteSet": this.parseSprites(c.children); // this.parseSprites(c.children) break; case "InteractionSet": this.parseInteraction(c.children); break; case "LevelMapping": this.parseLevel(c.children); break; case "TerminationSet": this.parseTermination(c.children); break; case "ConditionSet": this.parseCondition(c.children); break; default: console.error(`Unknown content: ${c.content} at line ${c.line}`); break; } } } catch (e) { throw e; } const keys = []; let colors = []; for (const key in this.var_colors) { keys.push(key); colors.push([key][1].color); } if (seed) { colors = colors.shuffled(seed); let index = 0; colors.forEach((c) => {[keys[index]][1].color = c; index++; }); } = this.images.slice(); return; }; parseLevel = (mnodes) => { mnodes.forEach((mnode) => { try { if (mnode.content.indexOf(">") === -1) { throw "No '>' symbol in level mapping"; } const [c, val] = mnode.content.split(">").map((x) => { return x.trim(); }); // console.assert( // c.length === 1, // "Only single character mappings allowed", // ); const keys = val.split(" ").map((x) => { return x.trim(); }); // console.debug("Mapping", c, keys);[c] = keys; } catch (e) { throw new Error( `Parse Level Mapping Fail at Line ${mnode.line}: \n ${mnode.content} \n ${e.toString()}`, ); } }); }; parseCondition = (cnodes) => { cnodes.forEach((c) => { if (c.content.indexOf(">") !== -1) { const [conditional, interaction] = c.content .split(">") .map((s) => s.trim()); try { const [cclass, cargs] = this.parseArgs(conditional); const [eclass, eargs] = this.parseArgs(conditional); // console.debug(`Adding Condition ${conditional} ${interaction}`);[new cclass(cargs), [eclass, eargs]]); } catch (e) { throw new Error( `Parse Condition Fail at Line ${c.line}: \n ${c.content} \n ${e.toString()}`, ); } } }); }; parseTermination = (tnodes) => { tnodes.forEach((t) => { try { const [sclass, args] = this.parseArgs(t.content); // console.debug(`Adding Termination: ${sclass} ${args}`); sclass(args)); } catch (e) { throw new Error( `Parse Termination Fail at Line ${t.line}:\n ${t.content} \n ${e.toString()}`, ); } }); }; parseInteraction = (inodes) => { inodes.forEach((i) => { if (i.content.indexOf(">") !== -1) { try { const [pair, edef] = i.content.split(">").map((s) => s.trim()); const [eclass, args] = this.parseArgs(edef); //支持object为多个的情况,测试环境为surround const pairs = pair .split(" ") .map((s) => s.trim()) .filter((s) => s); const subject = pairs[0]; for (let pair_idx = 1; pair_idx < pairs.length; pair_idx++) { const object = pairs[pair_idx];[subject, object, eclass, args]); if (args["scoreChange"]) {[ subject, object, scoreChange, { score: args["scoreChange"] }, ]); } if (args["killSecond"]) {[ object, subject, killSprite, { score: args["killSecond"] }, ]); } } // console.debug(`Adding Collision ${pair} has effect: ${edef}`); } catch (e) { throw new Error( `Parse Interaction Fail at Line ${i.line}: \n ${i.content} \n ${e.toString()}`, ); } } }); }; parseSprites = ( snodes, parentClass = null, parentargs = {}, parenttypes = [], ) => { snodes.forEach((s) => { try { // console.assert(s.content.indexOf(">") !== -1); const [key, sdef] = s.content.split(">").map((s) => s.trim()); let [sclass, args] = this.parseArgs( sdef, parentClass, Object.assign({}, parentargs), ); if ("image" in args) { this.images.push(args.image); } const stypes = parenttypes.concat(key); if ("singleton" in args) { if (args["singleton"] === true); args = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(args)); delete args["singleton"]; } if (s.children.length === 0) { // console.debug(`Defining: ${key} ${sclass} ${args} ${stypes}`);[key] = [sclass, args, stypes]; if ( args.color && !("color" in parentargs) && !this.ignore_colors.contains(key) ) { this.var_colors[key] = args.color; } if (;; let dict =; for (const parent of stypes) { if (parent === key) { break; } dict = dict[parent]; } dict[key] = {}; } else { let dict =; for (const parent of stypes) { if (parent === key) { break; } dict = dict[parent]; } dict[key] = {}; this.parseSprites(s.children, sclass, args, stypes); } } catch (e) { throw new Error( `Parse Sprite Fail at Line ${s.line}: \n ${s.content} \n ${e.toString()}`, ); } }); }; parseArgs = (s, sclass = {}, args = {}) => { let sparts = s .split(" ") .filter((c) => c.length > 0) .map((c) => c.trim()); if (sparts.length === 0) return [sclass, args]; if (sparts[0].indexOf("=") === -1) { sclass = _eval(sparts[0]); sparts = sparts.slice(1); } sparts.forEach((spart) => { const [k, val] = spart.split("="); try { args[k] = _eval(val); } catch (e) { args[k] = val; } }); return [sclass, args]; }; }