extends Node const DialogueConstants = preload("../constants.gd") const DialogueSettings = preload("../settings.gd") const DialogueManagerParseResult = preload("./parse_result.gd") signal file_content_changed(path: String, new_content: String) # Keep track of errors and dependencies # { # = { # path = , # dependencies = [, ], # errors = [, ] # } # } var _cache: Dictionary = {} var _update_dependency_timer: Timer = Timer.new() var _update_dependency_paths: PackedStringArray = [] func _ready() -> void: add_child(_update_dependency_timer) _update_dependency_timer.timeout.connect(_on_update_dependency_timeout) _build_cache() func reimport_files(files: PackedStringArray = []) -> void: if files.is_empty(): files = get_files() var file_system: EditorFileSystem = Engine.get_meta("DialogueManagerPlugin") \ .get_editor_interface() \ .get_resource_filesystem() file_system.reimport_files(files) ## Add a dialogue file to the cache. func add_file(path: String, parse_results: DialogueManagerParseResult = null) -> void: _cache[path] = { path = path, dependencies = [], errors = [] } if parse_results != null: _cache[path].dependencies = Array(parse_results.imported_paths).filter(func(d): return d != path) _cache[path].parsed_at = Time.get_ticks_msec() # If this is a fresh cache entry, check for dependencies if parse_results == null and not _update_dependency_paths.has(path): queue_updating_dependencies(path) ## Get the file paths in the cache func get_files() -> PackedStringArray: return _cache.keys() ## Check if a file is known to the cache func has_file(path: String) -> bool: return _cache.has(path) ## Remember any errors in a dialogue file func add_errors_to_file(path: String, errors: Array[Dictionary]) -> void: if _cache.has(path): _cache[path].errors = errors else: _cache[path] = { path = path, resource_path = "", dependencies = [], errors = errors } ## Get a list of files that have errors func get_files_with_errors() -> Array[Dictionary]: var files_with_errors: Array[Dictionary] = [] for dialogue_file in _cache.values(): if dialogue_file and dialogue_file.errors.size() > 0: files_with_errors.append(dialogue_file) return files_with_errors ## Queue a file to have its dependencies checked func queue_updating_dependencies(of_path: String) -> void: _update_dependency_timer.stop() if not _update_dependency_paths.has(of_path): _update_dependency_paths.append(of_path) _update_dependency_timer.start(0.5) ## Update any references to a file path that has moved func move_file_path(from_path: String, to_path: String) -> void: if not _cache.has(from_path): return if to_path != "": _cache[to_path] = _cache[from_path].duplicate() _cache.erase(from_path) ## Get every dialogue file that imports on a file of a given path func get_files_with_dependency(imported_path: String) -> Array: return _cache.values().filter(func(d): return d.dependencies.has(imported_path)) ## Get any paths that are dependent on a given path func get_dependent_paths_for_reimport(on_path: String) -> PackedStringArray: return get_files_with_dependency(on_path) \ .filter(func(d): return Time.get_ticks_msec() - d.get("parsed_at", 0) > 3000) \ .map(func(d): return d.path) # Build the initial cache for dialogue files func _build_cache() -> void: var current_files: PackedStringArray = _get_dialogue_files_in_filesystem() for file in current_files: add_file(file) # Recursively find any dialogue files in a directory func _get_dialogue_files_in_filesystem(path: String = "res://") -> PackedStringArray: var files: PackedStringArray = [] if DirAccess.dir_exists_absolute(path): var dir = DirAccess.open(path) dir.list_dir_begin() var file_name = dir.get_next() while file_name != "": var file_path: String = (path + "/" + file_name).simplify_path() if dir.current_is_dir(): if not file_name in [".godot", ".tmp"]: files.append_array(_get_dialogue_files_in_filesystem(file_path)) elif file_name.get_extension() == "dialogue": files.append(file_path) file_name = dir.get_next() return files ### Signals func _on_update_dependency_timeout() -> void: _update_dependency_timer.stop() var import_regex: RegEx = RegEx.create_from_string("import \"(?.*?)\"") var file: FileAccess var found_imports: Array[RegExMatch] for path in _update_dependency_paths: # Open the file and check for any "import" lines file = FileAccess.open(path, FileAccess.READ) found_imports = import_regex.search_all(file.get_as_text()) var dependencies: PackedStringArray = [] for found in found_imports: dependencies.append(found.strings[found.names.path]) _cache[path].dependencies = dependencies _update_dependency_paths.clear()