@tool class_name DialogueManagerParser extends Object const DialogueConstants = preload("../constants.gd") const DialogueSettings = preload("../settings.gd") const ResolvedLineData = preload("./resolved_line_data.gd") const ResolvedTagData = preload("./resolved_tag_data.gd") const DialogueManagerParseResult = preload("./parse_result.gd") var IMPORT_REGEX: RegEx = RegEx.create_from_string("import \"(?[^\"]+)\" as (?[a-zA-Z_\\p{Emoji_Presentation}\\p{Han}\\p{Katakana}\\p{Hiragana}\\p{Cyrillic}][a-zA-Z_0-9\\p{Emoji_Presentation}\\p{Han}\\p{Katakana}\\p{Hiragana}\\p{Cyrillic}]+)") var USING_REGEX: RegEx = RegEx.create_from_string("^using (?.*)$") var VALID_TITLE_REGEX: RegEx = RegEx.create_from_string("^[a-zA-Z_0-9\\p{Emoji_Presentation}\\p{Han}\\p{Katakana}\\p{Hiragana}\\p{Cyrillic}][a-zA-Z_0-9\\p{Emoji_Presentation}\\p{Han}\\p{Katakana}\\p{Hiragana}\\p{Cyrillic}]+$") var BEGINS_WITH_NUMBER_REGEX: RegEx = RegEx.create_from_string("^\\d") var TRANSLATION_REGEX: RegEx = RegEx.create_from_string("\\[ID:(?.*?)\\]") var TAGS_REGEX: RegEx = RegEx.create_from_string("\\[#(?.*?)\\]") var MUTATION_REGEX: RegEx = RegEx.create_from_string("(?do|do!|set) (?.*)") var CONDITION_REGEX: RegEx = RegEx.create_from_string("(if|elif|while|else if) (?.*)") var WRAPPED_CONDITION_REGEX: RegEx = RegEx.create_from_string("\\[if (?.*)\\]") var REPLACEMENTS_REGEX: RegEx = RegEx.create_from_string("{{(.*?)}}") var GOTO_REGEX: RegEx = RegEx.create_from_string("=>.*)") var INDENT_REGEX: RegEx = RegEx.create_from_string("^\\t+") var INLINE_RANDOM_REGEX: RegEx = RegEx.create_from_string("\\[\\[(?.*?)\\]\\]") var INLINE_CONDITIONALS_REGEX: RegEx = RegEx.create_from_string("\\[if (?.+?)\\](?.*?)\\[\\/if\\]") var TOKEN_DEFINITIONS: Dictionary = { DialogueConstants.TOKEN_FUNCTION: RegEx.create_from_string("^[a-zA-Z_\\p{Emoji_Presentation}\\p{Han}\\p{Katakana}\\p{Hiragana}\\p{Cyrillic}][a-zA-Z_0-9\\p{Emoji_Presentation}\\p{Han}\\p{Katakana}\\p{Hiragana}\\p{Cyrillic}]*\\("), DialogueConstants.TOKEN_DICTIONARY_REFERENCE: RegEx.create_from_string("^[a-zA-Z_\\p{Emoji_Presentation}\\p{Han}\\p{Katakana}\\p{Hiragana}\\p{Cyrillic}][a-zA-Z_0-9\\p{Emoji_Presentation}\\p{Han}\\p{Katakana}\\p{Hiragana}\\p{Cyrillic}]*\\["), DialogueConstants.TOKEN_PARENS_OPEN: RegEx.create_from_string("^\\("), DialogueConstants.TOKEN_PARENS_CLOSE: RegEx.create_from_string("^\\)"), DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BRACKET_OPEN: RegEx.create_from_string("^\\["), DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BRACKET_CLOSE: RegEx.create_from_string("^\\]"), DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN: RegEx.create_from_string("^\\{"), DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE: RegEx.create_from_string("^\\}"), DialogueConstants.TOKEN_COLON: RegEx.create_from_string("^:"), DialogueConstants.TOKEN_COMPARISON: RegEx.create_from_string("^(==|<=|>=|<|>|!=|in )"), DialogueConstants.TOKEN_ASSIGNMENT: RegEx.create_from_string("^(\\+=|\\-=|\\*=|/=|=)"), DialogueConstants.TOKEN_NUMBER: RegEx.create_from_string("^\\-?\\d+(\\.\\d+)?"), DialogueConstants.TOKEN_OPERATOR: RegEx.create_from_string("^(\\+|\\-|\\*|/|%)"), DialogueConstants.TOKEN_COMMA: RegEx.create_from_string("^,"), DialogueConstants.TOKEN_DOT: RegEx.create_from_string("^\\."), DialogueConstants.TOKEN_STRING: RegEx.create_from_string("^&?(\".*?\"|\'.*?\')"), DialogueConstants.TOKEN_NOT: RegEx.create_from_string("^(not( |$)|!)"), DialogueConstants.TOKEN_AND_OR: RegEx.create_from_string("^(and|or|&&|\\|\\|)( |$)"), DialogueConstants.TOKEN_VARIABLE: RegEx.create_from_string("^[a-zA-Z_\\p{Emoji_Presentation}\\p{Han}\\p{Katakana}\\p{Hiragana}\\p{Cyrillic}][a-zA-Z_0-9\\p{Emoji_Presentation}\\p{Han}\\p{Katakana}\\p{Hiragana}\\p{Cyrillic}]*"), DialogueConstants.TOKEN_COMMENT: RegEx.create_from_string("^#.*"), DialogueConstants.TOKEN_CONDITION: RegEx.create_from_string("^(if|elif|else)"), DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BOOL: RegEx.create_from_string("^(true|false)") } var WEIGHTED_RANDOM_SIBLINGS_REGEX: RegEx = RegEx.create_from_string("^\\%(?[\\d.]+)?( \\[if (?.+?)\\])? ") var raw_lines: PackedStringArray = [] var parent_stack: Array[String] = [] var parsed_lines: Dictionary = {} var imported_paths: PackedStringArray = [] var using_states: PackedStringArray = [] var titles: Dictionary = {} var character_names: PackedStringArray = [] var first_title: String = "" var errors: Array[Dictionary] = [] var raw_text: String = "" var _imported_line_map: Dictionary = {} var _imported_line_count: int = 0 var while_loopbacks: Array[String] = [] ## Parse some raw dialogue text and return a dictionary containing parse results static func parse_string(string: String, path: String) -> DialogueManagerParseResult: var parser = new() var error: Error = parser.parse(string, path) var data: DialogueManagerParseResult = parser.get_data() parser.free() if error == OK: return data else: return null ## Extract bbcode and other markers from a string static func extract_markers_from_string(string: String) -> ResolvedLineData: var parser = new() var markers: ResolvedLineData = parser.extract_markers(string) parser.free() return markers ## Parse some raw dialogue text and return a dictionary containing parse results func parse(text: String, path: String) -> Error: prepare(text, path) raw_text = text # Parse all of the content var known_translations = {} # Get list of known autoloads var autoload_names: PackedStringArray = get_autoload_names() # Keep track of the last doc comment var doc_comments: Array[String] = [] # Then parse all lines for id in range(0, raw_lines.size()): var raw_line: String = raw_lines[id] var line: Dictionary = { id = str(id), next_id = DialogueConstants.ID_NULL } # Work out if we are inside a conditional or option or if we just # indented back out of one var indent_size: int = get_indent(raw_line) if indent_size < parent_stack.size() and not is_line_empty(raw_line): for _tab in range(0, parent_stack.size() - indent_size): parent_stack.pop_back() # If we are indented then this line should know about its parent if parent_stack.size() > 0: line["parent_id"] = parent_stack.back() # Trim any indentation (now that we've calculated it) so we can check # the begining of each line for its type raw_line = raw_line.strip_edges(true, false) # Grab translations var translation_key: String = extract_translation(raw_line) if translation_key != "": line["translation_key"] = translation_key raw_line = raw_line.replace("[ID:%s]" % translation_key, "") # Check for each kind of line # Start shortcuts if raw_line.begins_with("using "): var using_match: RegExMatch = USING_REGEX.search(raw_line) if "state" in using_match.names: var using_state: String = using_match.strings[using_match.names.state].strip_edges() if not using_state in autoload_names: add_error(id, 0, DialogueConstants.ERR_UNKNOWN_USING) elif not using_state in using_states: using_states.append(using_state) continue # Response elif is_response_line(raw_line): # Add any doc notes line["notes"] = "\n".join(doc_comments) doc_comments = [] parent_stack.append(str(id)) line["type"] = DialogueConstants.TYPE_RESPONSE # Extract any #tags var tag_data: ResolvedTagData = extract_tags(raw_line) line["tags"] = tag_data.tags raw_line = tag_data.line_without_tags if " [if " in raw_line: line["condition"] = extract_condition(raw_line, true, indent_size) if " =>" in raw_line: line["next_id"] = extract_goto(raw_line) if " =><" in raw_line: # Because of when the return point needs to be known at runtime we need to split # this line into two (otherwise the return point would be dependent on the balloon) var goto_line: Dictionary = { type = DialogueConstants.TYPE_GOTO, next_id = extract_goto(raw_line), next_id_after = find_next_line_after_responses(id), is_snippet = true } parsed_lines[str(id) + ".1"] = goto_line line["next_id"] = str(id) + ".1" # Make sure the added goto line can actually go to somewhere if goto_line.next_id in [DialogueConstants.ID_ERROR, DialogueConstants.ID_ERROR_INVALID_TITLE, DialogueConstants.ID_ERROR_TITLE_HAS_NO_BODY]: line["next_id"] = goto_line.next_id line["character"] = "" line["character_replacements"] = [] as Array[Dictionary] line["text"] = extract_response_prompt(raw_line) var previous_response_id = find_previous_response_id(id) if parsed_lines.has(previous_response_id): var previous_response = parsed_lines[previous_response_id] # Add this response to the list on the first response so that it is the # authority on what is in the list of responses previous_response["responses"] = previous_response["responses"] + PackedStringArray([str(id)]) else: # No previous response so this is the first in the list line["responses"] = PackedStringArray([str(id)]) line["next_id_after"] = find_next_line_after_responses(id) # If this response has no body then the next id is the next id after if not line.has("next_id") or line.next_id == DialogueConstants.ID_NULL: var next_nonempty_line_id = get_next_nonempty_line_id(id) if next_nonempty_line_id != DialogueConstants.ID_NULL: if get_indent(raw_lines[next_nonempty_line_id.to_int()]) <= indent_size: line["next_id"] = line.next_id_after else: line["next_id"] = next_nonempty_line_id line["text_replacements"] = extract_dialogue_replacements(line.get("text"), indent_size + 2) for replacement in line.text_replacements: if replacement.has("error"): add_error(id, replacement.index, replacement.error) # If this response has a character name in it then it will automatically be # injected as a line of dialogue if the player selects it var response_text: String = line.text.replace("\\:", "!ESCAPED_COLON!") if ":" in response_text: if DialogueSettings.get_setting("create_lines_for_responses_with_characters", true): var first_child: Dictionary = { type = DialogueConstants.TYPE_DIALOGUE, next_id = line.next_id, next_id_after = line.next_id_after, text_replacements = line.text_replacements, tags = line.tags, translation_key = line.get("translation_key") } parse_response_character_and_text(id, response_text, first_child, indent_size, parsed_lines) line["character"] = first_child.character line["character_replacements"] = first_child.character_replacements line["text"] = first_child.text line["text_replacements"] = extract_dialogue_replacements(line.text, indent_size + 2) line["translation_key"] = first_child.translation_key parsed_lines[str(id) + ".2"] = first_child line["next_id"] = str(id) + ".2" else: parse_response_character_and_text(id, response_text, line, indent_size, parsed_lines) else: line["text"] = response_text.replace("!ESCAPED_COLON!", ":") # Title elif is_title_line(raw_line): line["type"] = DialogueConstants.TYPE_TITLE line["text"] = extract_title(raw_line) # Titles can't have numbers as the first letter (unless they are external titles which get replaced with hashes) if id >= _imported_line_count and BEGINS_WITH_NUMBER_REGEX.search(line.text): add_error(id, 2, DialogueConstants.ERR_TITLE_BEGINS_WITH_NUMBER) # Only import titles are allowed to have "/" in them var valid_title = VALID_TITLE_REGEX.search(raw_line.replace("/", "").substr(raw_line.find("~ ") + 2).strip_edges()) if not valid_title: add_error(id, 2, DialogueConstants.ERR_TITLE_INVALID_CHARACTERS) # Condition elif is_condition_line(raw_line, false): parent_stack.append(str(id)) line["type"] = DialogueConstants.TYPE_CONDITION line["condition"] = extract_condition(raw_line, false, indent_size) line["next_id_after"] = find_next_line_after_conditions(id) var next_sibling_id = find_next_condition_sibling(id) line["next_conditional_id"] = next_sibling_id if is_valid_id(next_sibling_id) else line.next_id_after elif is_condition_line(raw_line, true): parent_stack.append(str(id)) line["type"] = DialogueConstants.TYPE_CONDITION line["next_id_after"] = find_next_line_after_conditions(id) line["next_conditional_id"] = line["next_id_after"] elif is_while_condition_line(raw_line): parent_stack.append(str(id)) line["type"] = DialogueConstants.TYPE_CONDITION line["condition"] = extract_condition(raw_line, false, indent_size) line["next_id_after"] = find_next_line_after_conditions(id) while_loopbacks.append(find_last_line_within_conditions(id)) line["next_conditional_id"] = line["next_id_after"] # Mutation elif is_mutation_line(raw_line): line["type"] = DialogueConstants.TYPE_MUTATION line["mutation"] = extract_mutation(raw_line) # Goto elif is_goto_line(raw_line): line["type"] = DialogueConstants.TYPE_GOTO if raw_line.begins_with("%"): apply_weighted_random(id, raw_line, indent_size, line) line["next_id"] = extract_goto(raw_line) if is_goto_snippet_line(raw_line): line["is_snippet"] = true line["next_id_after"] = get_line_after_line(id, indent_size, line) else: line["is_snippet"] = false # Nested dialogue elif is_nested_dialogue_line(raw_line, parsed_lines, raw_lines, indent_size): var parent_line: Dictionary = parsed_lines.values().back() var parent_indent_size: int = get_indent(raw_lines[parent_line.id.to_int()]) var should_update_translation_key: bool = parent_line.translation_key == parent_line.text var suffix: String = raw_line.strip_edges(true, false) if suffix == "": suffix = " " parent_line["text"] += "\n" + suffix parent_line["text_replacements"] = extract_dialogue_replacements(parent_line.text, parent_line.character.length() + 2 + parent_indent_size) for replacement in parent_line.text_replacements: if replacement.has("error"): add_error(id, replacement.index, replacement.error) if should_update_translation_key: parent_line["translation_key"] = parent_line.text parent_line["next_id"] = get_line_after_line(id, parent_indent_size, parent_line) # Ignore this line when checking for indent errors remove_error(parent_line.id.to_int(), DialogueConstants.ERR_INVALID_INDENTATION) var next_line = raw_lines[parent_line.next_id.to_int()] if not is_dialogue_line(next_line) and get_indent(next_line) >= indent_size: add_error(parent_line.next_id.to_int(), indent_size, DialogueConstants.ERR_INVALID_INDENTATION) continue elif raw_line.strip_edges().begins_with("##"): doc_comments.append(raw_line.replace("##", "").strip_edges()) continue elif is_line_empty(raw_line) or is_import_line(raw_line): continue # Regular dialogue else: # Remove escape character if raw_line.begins_with("\\using"): raw_line = raw_line.substr(1) if raw_line.begins_with("\\if"): raw_line = raw_line.substr(1) if raw_line.begins_with("\\elif"): raw_line = raw_line.substr(1) if raw_line.begins_with("\\else"): raw_line = raw_line.substr(1) if raw_line.begins_with("\\while"): raw_line = raw_line.substr(1) if raw_line.begins_with("\\-"): raw_line = raw_line.substr(1) if raw_line.begins_with("\\~"): raw_line = raw_line.substr(1) if raw_line.begins_with("\\=>"): raw_line = raw_line.substr(1) # Check for jumps if " => " in raw_line: line["next_id"] = extract_goto(raw_line) raw_line = raw_line.split(" => ")[0] # Add any doc notes line["notes"] = "\n".join(doc_comments) doc_comments = [] # Work out any weighted random siblings if raw_line.begins_with("%"): apply_weighted_random(id, raw_line, indent_size, line) raw_line = WEIGHTED_RANDOM_SIBLINGS_REGEX.sub(raw_line, "") line["type"] = DialogueConstants.TYPE_DIALOGUE # Extract any tags before we process the line var tag_data: ResolvedTagData = extract_tags(raw_line) line["tags"] = tag_data.tags raw_line = tag_data.line_without_tags var l = raw_line.replace("\\:", "!ESCAPED_COLON!") if ":" in l: var bits = Array(l.strip_edges().split(":")) line["character"] = bits.pop_front().strip_edges() if not line["character"] in character_names: character_names.append(line["character"]) # You can use variables in the character's name line["character_replacements"] = extract_dialogue_replacements(line.character, indent_size) for replacement in line.character_replacements: if replacement.has("error"): add_error(id, replacement.index, replacement.error) line["text"] = ":".join(bits).replace("!ESCAPED_COLON!", ":") else: line["character"] = "" line["character_replacements"] = [] as Array[Dictionary] line["text"] = l.replace("!ESCAPED_COLON!", ":") line["text_replacements"] = extract_dialogue_replacements(line.text, line.character.length() + 2 + indent_size) for replacement in line.text_replacements: if replacement.has("error"): add_error(id, replacement.index, replacement.error) # Unescape any newlines line["text"] = line.text.replace("\\n", "\n").strip_edges() # Work out where to go after this line if line.next_id == DialogueConstants.ID_NULL: line["next_id"] = get_line_after_line(id, indent_size, line) # Check for duplicate translation keys if line.type in [DialogueConstants.TYPE_DIALOGUE, DialogueConstants.TYPE_RESPONSE]: if line.has("translation_key"): if known_translations.has(line.translation_key) and known_translations.get(line.translation_key) != line.text: add_error(id, indent_size, DialogueConstants.ERR_DUPLICATE_ID) else: known_translations[line.translation_key] = line.text else: # Default translations key if DialogueSettings.get_setting("missing_translations_are_errors", false): add_error(id, indent_size, DialogueConstants.ERR_MISSING_ID) else: line["translation_key"] = line.text ## Error checking # Can't find goto var jump_index: int = raw_line.find("=>") match line.next_id: DialogueConstants.ID_ERROR: add_error(id, jump_index, DialogueConstants.ERR_UNKNOWN_TITLE) DialogueConstants.ID_ERROR_INVALID_TITLE: add_error(id, jump_index, DialogueConstants.ERR_INVALID_TITLE_REFERENCE) DialogueConstants.ID_ERROR_TITLE_HAS_NO_BODY: add_error(id, jump_index, DialogueConstants.ERR_TITLE_REFERENCE_HAS_NO_CONTENT) # Line after condition isn't indented once to the right if line.type == DialogueConstants.TYPE_CONDITION: if is_valid_id(line.next_id): var next_line: String = raw_lines[line.next_id.to_int()] var next_indent: int = get_indent(next_line) if next_indent != indent_size + 1: add_error(line.next_id.to_int(), next_indent, DialogueConstants.ERR_INVALID_INDENTATION) else: add_error(id, indent_size, DialogueConstants.ERR_INVALID_CONDITION_INDENTATION) # Line after normal line is indented to the right elif line.type in [ DialogueConstants.TYPE_TITLE, DialogueConstants.TYPE_DIALOGUE, DialogueConstants.TYPE_MUTATION, ] and is_valid_id(line.next_id): var next_line = raw_lines[line.next_id.to_int()] if next_line != null and get_indent(next_line) > indent_size: add_error(id, indent_size, DialogueConstants.ERR_INVALID_INDENTATION) # Parsing condition failed if line.has("condition") and line.condition.has("error"): add_error(id, line.condition.index, line.condition.error) # Parsing mutation failed elif line.has("mutation") and line.mutation.has("error"): add_error(id, line.mutation.index, line.mutation.error) # Line failed to parse at all if line.get("type") == DialogueConstants.TYPE_UNKNOWN: add_error(id, 0, DialogueConstants.ERR_UNKNOWN_LINE_SYNTAX) # If there are no titles then use the first actual line if first_title == "" and not is_import_line(raw_line): first_title = str(id) # If this line is the last line of a while loop, edit the id of its next line if str(id) in while_loopbacks: if is_goto_snippet_line(raw_line): line["next_id_after"] = line["parent_id"] elif is_condition_line(raw_line, true) or is_while_condition_line(raw_line): line["next_conditional_id"] = line["parent_id"] line["next_id_after"] = line["parent_id"] elif is_goto_line(raw_line) or is_title_line(raw_line): pass else: line["next_id"] = line["parent_id"] # Done! parsed_lines[str(id)] = line # Assume the last line ends the dialogue var last_line: Dictionary = parsed_lines.values()[parsed_lines.values().size() - 1] if last_line.next_id == "": last_line.next_id = DialogueConstants.ID_END if errors.size() > 0: return ERR_PARSE_ERROR return OK func get_data() -> DialogueManagerParseResult: var data: DialogueManagerParseResult = DialogueManagerParseResult.new() data.imported_paths = imported_paths data.using_states = using_states data.titles = titles data.character_names = character_names data.first_title = first_title data.lines = parsed_lines data.errors = errors data.raw_text = raw_text return data ## Get the last parse errors func get_errors() -> Array[Dictionary]: return errors ## Prepare the parser by collecting all lines and titles func prepare(text: String, path: String, include_imported_titles_hashes: bool = true) -> void: using_states = [] errors = [] imported_paths = [] _imported_line_map = {} while_loopbacks = [] titles = {} character_names = [] first_title = "" raw_lines = text.split("\n") # Work out imports var known_imports: Dictionary = {} # Include the base file path so that we can get around circular dependencies known_imports[path.hash()] = "." var imported_titles: Dictionary = {} for id in range(0, raw_lines.size()): var line = raw_lines[id] if is_import_line(line): var import_data = extract_import_path_and_name(line) var import_hash: int = import_data.path.hash() if import_data.size() > 0: # Keep track of titles so we can add imported ones later if str(import_hash) in imported_titles.keys(): add_error(id, 0, DialogueConstants.ERR_FILE_ALREADY_IMPORTED) if import_data.prefix in imported_titles.values(): add_error(id, 0, DialogueConstants.ERR_DUPLICATE_IMPORT_NAME) imported_titles[str(import_hash)] = import_data.prefix # Import the file content if not known_imports.has(import_hash): var error: Error = import_content(import_data.path, import_data.prefix, _imported_line_map, known_imports) if error != OK: add_error(id, 0, error) # Make a map so we can refer compiled lines to where they were imported from if not _imported_line_map.has(import_hash): _imported_line_map[import_hash] = { hash = import_hash, imported_on_line_number = id, from_line = 0, to_line = 0 } var imported_content: String = "" var cummulative_line_number: int = 0 for item in _imported_line_map.values(): item["from_line"] = cummulative_line_number if known_imports.has(item.hash): cummulative_line_number += known_imports[item.hash].split("\n").size() item["to_line"] = cummulative_line_number if known_imports.has(item.hash): imported_content += known_imports[item.hash] + "\n" _imported_line_count = cummulative_line_number + 1 # Join it with the actual content raw_lines = (imported_content + "\n" + text).split("\n") # Find all titles first for id in range(0, raw_lines.size()): if raw_lines[id].strip_edges().begins_with("~ "): var title: String = extract_title(raw_lines[id]) if title == "": add_error(id, 2, DialogueConstants.ERR_EMPTY_TITLE) elif titles.has(title): add_error(id, 2, DialogueConstants.ERR_DUPLICATE_TITLE) else: var next_nonempty_line_id: String = get_next_nonempty_line_id(id) if next_nonempty_line_id != DialogueConstants.ID_NULL: titles[title] = next_nonempty_line_id if "/" in title: if include_imported_titles_hashes == false: titles.erase(title) var bits: PackedStringArray = title.split("/") if imported_titles.has(bits[0]): title = imported_titles[bits[0]] + "/" + bits[1] titles[title] = next_nonempty_line_id elif first_title == "": first_title = next_nonempty_line_id else: titles[title] = DialogueConstants.ID_ERROR_TITLE_HAS_NO_BODY func add_error(line_number: int, column_number: int, error: int) -> void: # See if the error was in an imported file for item in _imported_line_map.values(): if line_number < item.to_line: errors.append({ line_number = item.imported_on_line_number, column_number = 0, error = DialogueConstants.ERR_ERRORS_IN_IMPORTED_FILE, external_error = error, external_line_number = line_number }) return # Otherwise, it's in this file errors.append({ line_number = line_number - _imported_line_count, column_number = column_number, error = error }) func remove_error(line_number: int, error: int) -> void: for i in range(errors.size() - 1, -1, -1): var err = errors[i] var is_native_error = err.line_number == line_number - _imported_line_count and err.error == error var is_external_error = err.get("external_line_number") == line_number and err.get("external_error") == error if is_native_error or is_external_error: errors.remove_at(i) return func is_import_line(line: String) -> bool: return line.begins_with("import ") and " as " in line func is_title_line(line: String) -> bool: return line.strip_edges(true, false).begins_with("~ ") func is_condition_line(line: String, include_else: bool = true) -> bool: line = line.strip_edges(true, false) if line.begins_with("if ") or line.begins_with("elif ") or line.begins_with("else if"): return true if include_else and line.begins_with("else"): return true return false func is_while_condition_line(line: String) -> bool: line = line.strip_edges(true, false) if line.begins_with("while "): return true return false func is_mutation_line(line: String) -> bool: line = line.strip_edges(true, false) return line.begins_with("do ") or line.begins_with("do! ") or line.begins_with("set ") func is_goto_line(line: String) -> bool: line = line.strip_edges(true, false) line = WEIGHTED_RANDOM_SIBLINGS_REGEX.sub(line, "") return line.begins_with("=> ") or line.begins_with("=>< ") func is_goto_snippet_line(line: String) -> bool: line = WEIGHTED_RANDOM_SIBLINGS_REGEX.sub(line.strip_edges(), "") return line.begins_with("=>< ") func is_nested_dialogue_line(raw_line: String, parsed_lines: Dictionary, raw_lines: PackedStringArray, indent_size: int) -> bool: if parsed_lines.values().is_empty(): return false if raw_line.strip_edges().begins_with("#"): return false var parent_line: Dictionary = parsed_lines.values().back() if parent_line.type != DialogueConstants.TYPE_DIALOGUE: return false if get_indent(raw_lines[parent_line.id.to_int()]) >= indent_size: return false return true func is_dialogue_line(line: String) -> bool: if line == null: return false if is_response_line(line): return false if is_title_line(line): return false if is_condition_line(line, true): return false if is_mutation_line(line): return false if is_goto_line(line): return false return true func is_response_line(line: String) -> bool: return line.strip_edges(true, false).begins_with("- ") func is_valid_id(id: String) -> bool: return false if id in [DialogueConstants.ID_NULL, DialogueConstants.ID_ERROR, DialogueConstants.ID_END_CONVERSATION] else true func is_line_empty(line: String) -> bool: line = line.strip_edges() if line == "": return true if line == "endif": return true if line.begins_with("#"): return true return false func get_line_after_line(id: int, indent_size: int, line: Dictionary) -> String: # Unless the next line is an outdent we can assume it comes next var next_nonempty_line_id = get_next_nonempty_line_id(id) if next_nonempty_line_id != DialogueConstants.ID_NULL and indent_size <= get_indent(raw_lines[next_nonempty_line_id.to_int()]): return next_nonempty_line_id # Otherwise, we grab the ID from the parents next ID after children elif line.has("parent_id") and parsed_lines.has(line.parent_id): return parsed_lines[line.parent_id].next_id_after else: return DialogueConstants.ID_NULL func get_indent(line: String) -> int: var tabs: RegExMatch = INDENT_REGEX.search(line) if tabs: return tabs.get_string().length() else: return 0 func get_next_nonempty_line_id(line_number: int) -> String: for i in range(line_number + 1, raw_lines.size()): if not is_line_empty(raw_lines[i]): return str(i) return DialogueConstants.ID_NULL func find_previous_response_id(line_number: int) -> String: var line = raw_lines[line_number] var indent_size = get_indent(line) # Look back up the list to find the previous response var last_found_response_id: String = str(line_number) for i in range(line_number - 1, -1, -1): line = raw_lines[i] if is_line_empty(line): continue # If its a response at the same indent level then its a match elif get_indent(line) == indent_size: if line.strip_edges().begins_with("- "): last_found_response_id = str(i) else: break elif get_indent(line) < indent_size: break # Return the most relevant ID return last_found_response_id func apply_weighted_random(id: int, raw_line: String, indent_size: int, line: Dictionary) -> void: var weight: float = 1 var found = WEIGHTED_RANDOM_SIBLINGS_REGEX.search(raw_line) var condition: Dictionary = {} if found: if found.names.has("weight"): weight = found.strings[found.names.weight].to_float() if found.names.has("condition"): condition = extract_condition(raw_line, true, indent_size) # Look back up the list to find the first weighted random line in this group var original_random_line: Dictionary = {} for i in range(id, 0, -1): # Ignore doc comment lines if raw_lines[i].strip_edges().begins_with("##"): continue # Lines that aren't prefixed with the random token are a dead end if not raw_lines[i].strip_edges().begins_with("%") or get_indent(raw_lines[i]) != indent_size: break # Make sure we group random dialogue and random lines separately elif WEIGHTED_RANDOM_SIBLINGS_REGEX.sub(raw_line.strip_edges(), "").begins_with("=") != WEIGHTED_RANDOM_SIBLINGS_REGEX.sub(raw_lines[i].strip_edges(), "").begins_with("="): break # Otherwise we've found the origin elif parsed_lines.has(str(i)) and parsed_lines[str(i)].has("siblings"): original_random_line = parsed_lines[str(i)] break # Attach it to the original random line and work out where to go after the line if original_random_line.size() > 0: original_random_line["siblings"] += [{ weight = weight, id = str(id), condition = condition }] if original_random_line.type != DialogueConstants.TYPE_GOTO: # Update the next line for all siblings (not goto lines, though, they manage their # own next ID) original_random_line["next_id"] = get_line_after_line(id, indent_size, line) for sibling in original_random_line["siblings"]: if sibling.id in parsed_lines: parsed_lines[sibling.id]["next_id"] = original_random_line["next_id"] elif original_random_line.has("next_id_after"): original_random_line["next_id_after"] = get_line_after_line(id, indent_size, line) for sibling in original_random_line["siblings"]: if sibling.id in parsed_lines: parsed_lines[sibling.id]["next_id_after"] = original_random_line["next_id_after"] line["next_id"] = original_random_line.next_id # Or set up this line as the original else: line["siblings"] = [{ weight = weight, id = str(id), condition = condition }] line["next_id"] = get_line_after_line(id, indent_size, line) if line.next_id == DialogueConstants.ID_NULL: line["next_id"] = DialogueConstants.ID_END func find_next_condition_sibling(line_number: int) -> String: var line = raw_lines[line_number] var expected_indent = get_indent(line) # Look down the list and find an elif or else at the same indent level for i in range(line_number + 1, raw_lines.size()): line = raw_lines[i] if is_line_empty(line): continue var l = line.strip_edges() if l.begins_with("~ "): return DialogueConstants.ID_END_CONVERSATION elif get_indent(line) < expected_indent: return DialogueConstants.ID_NULL elif get_indent(line) == expected_indent: # Found an if, which begins a different block if l.begins_with("if"): return DialogueConstants.ID_NULL # Found what we're looking for elif (l.begins_with("elif ") or l.begins_with("else")): return str(i) return DialogueConstants.ID_NULL func find_next_line_after_conditions(line_number: int) -> String: var line = raw_lines[line_number] var expected_indent = get_indent(line) # Look down the list for the first non condition line at the same or less indent level for i in range(line_number + 1, raw_lines.size()): line = raw_lines[i] if is_line_empty(line): continue var line_indent = get_indent(line) line = line.strip_edges() if line_indent > expected_indent: continue elif line_indent == expected_indent: if line.begins_with("elif ") or line.begins_with("else"): continue else: return str(i) elif line_indent < expected_indent: # We have to check the parent of this block for p in range(line_number - 1, -1, -1): line = raw_lines[p] if is_line_empty(line): continue line_indent = get_indent(line) if line_indent < expected_indent: return parsed_lines[str(p)].get("next_id_after", DialogueConstants.ID_NULL) return DialogueConstants.ID_END_CONVERSATION func find_last_line_within_conditions(line_number: int) -> String: var line = raw_lines[line_number] var expected_indent = get_indent(line) var candidate = DialogueConstants.ID_NULL # Look down the list for the last line that has an indent level 1 more than this line # Ending the search when you find a line the same or less indent level for i in range(line_number + 1, raw_lines.size()): line = raw_lines[i] if is_line_empty(line): continue var line_indent = get_indent(line) line = line.strip_edges() if line_indent > expected_indent + 1: continue elif line_indent == (expected_indent + 1): candidate = i else: break return str(candidate) func find_next_line_after_responses(line_number: int) -> String: var line = raw_lines[line_number] var expected_indent = get_indent(line) # Find the first line after this one that has a smaller indent that isn't another option # If we hit the eof then we give up for i in range(line_number + 1, raw_lines.size()): line = raw_lines[i] if is_line_empty(line): continue var indent = get_indent(line) line = line.strip_edges() # We hit a title so the next line is a new start if is_title_line(line): return get_next_nonempty_line_id(i) # Another option elif line.begins_with("- "): if indent == expected_indent: # ...at the same level so we continue continue elif indent < expected_indent: # ...outdented so check the previous parent var previous_parent = parent_stack[parent_stack.size() - 2] if parsed_lines.has(str(previous_parent)): return parsed_lines[str(previous_parent)].next_id_after else: return DialogueConstants.ID_NULL # We're at the end of a conditional so jump back up to see what's after it elif line.begins_with("elif ") or line.begins_with("else"): for p in range(line_number - 1, -1, -1): line = raw_lines[p] if is_line_empty(line): continue var line_indent = get_indent(line) if line_indent < expected_indent: return parsed_lines[str(p)].next_id_after # Otherwise check the indent for an outdent else: line_number = i line = raw_lines[line_number] if get_indent(line) <= expected_indent: return str(line_number) # EOF so it's also the end of a block return DialogueConstants.ID_END ## Get the names of any autoloads in the project func get_autoload_names() -> PackedStringArray: var autoloads: PackedStringArray = [] var project = ConfigFile.new() project.load("res://project.godot") if project.has_section("autoload"): return Array(project.get_section_keys("autoload")).filter(func(key): return key != "DialogueManager") return autoloads ## Import content from another dialogue file or return an ERR func import_content(path: String, prefix: String, imported_line_map: Dictionary, known_imports: Dictionary) -> Error: if FileAccess.file_exists(path): var file = FileAccess.open(path, FileAccess.READ) var content: PackedStringArray = file.get_as_text().split("\n") var imported_titles: Dictionary = {} for index in range(0, content.size()): var line = content[index] if is_import_line(line): var import = extract_import_path_and_name(line) if import.size() > 0: if not known_imports.has(import.path.hash()): # Add an empty record into the keys just so we don't end up with cyclic dependencies known_imports[import.path.hash()] = "" if import_content(import.path, import.prefix, imported_line_map, known_imports) != OK: return ERR_LINK_FAILED if not imported_line_map.has(import.path.hash()): # Make a map so we can refer compiled lines to where they were imported from imported_line_map[import.path.hash()] = { hash = import.path.hash(), imported_on_line_number = index, from_line = 0, to_line = 0 } imported_titles[import.prefix] = import.path.hash() var origin_hash: int = -1 for hash_value in known_imports.keys(): if known_imports[hash_value] == ".": origin_hash = hash_value # Replace any titles or jump points with references to the files they point to (event if they point to their own file) for i in range(0, content.size()): var line = content[i] if is_title_line(line): var title = extract_title(line) if "/" in line: var bits = title.split("/") content[i] = "~ %s/%s" % [imported_titles[bits[0]], bits[1]] else: content[i] = "~ %s/%s" % [str(path.hash()), title] elif "=>< " in line: var jump: String = line.substr(line.find("=>< ") + "=>< ".length()).strip_edges() if "/" in jump: var bits: PackedStringArray = jump.split("/") var title_hash: int = imported_titles[bits[0]] if title_hash == origin_hash: content[i] = "%s=>< %s" % [line.split("=>< ")[0], bits[1]] else: content[i] = "%s=>< %s/%s" % [line.split("=>< ")[0], title_hash, bits[1]] elif not jump in ["END", "END!"]: content[i] = "%s=>< %s/%s" % [line.split("=>< ")[0], str(path.hash()), jump] elif "=> " in line: var jump: String = line.substr(line.find("=> ") + "=> ".length()).strip_edges() if "/" in jump: var bits: PackedStringArray = jump.split("/") var title_hash: int = imported_titles[bits[0]] if title_hash == origin_hash: content[i] = "%s=> %s" % [line.split("=> ")[0], bits[1]] else: content[i] = "%s=> %s/%s" % [line.split("=> ")[0], title_hash, bits[1]] elif not jump in ["END", "END!"]: content[i] = "%s=> %s/%s" % [line.split("=> ")[0], str(path.hash()), jump] imported_paths.append(path) known_imports[path.hash()] = "\n".join(content) + "\n=> END\n" return OK else: return ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND func extract_import_path_and_name(line: String) -> Dictionary: var found: RegExMatch = IMPORT_REGEX.search(line) if found: return { path = found.strings[found.names.path], prefix = found.strings[found.names.prefix] } else: return {} func extract_title(line: String) -> String: return line.substr(line.find("~ ") + 2).strip_edges() func extract_translation(line: String) -> String: # Find a static translation key, eg. [ID:something] var found: RegExMatch = TRANSLATION_REGEX.search(line) if found: return found.strings[found.names.tr] else: return "" func extract_response_prompt(line: String) -> String: # Find just the text prompt from a response, ignoring any conditions or gotos line = line.substr(2) if " [if " in line: line = line.substr(0, line.find(" [if ")) if " =>" in line: line = line.substr(0, line.find(" =>")) # Without the translation key if there is one var translation_key: String = extract_translation(line) if translation_key: line = line.replace("[ID:%s]" % translation_key, "") return line.replace("\\n", "\n").strip_edges() func parse_response_character_and_text(id: int, text: String, line: Dictionary, indent_size: int, parsed_lines: Dictionary) -> void: var bits = Array(text.strip_edges().split(": ")) line["character"] = bits.pop_front().strip_edges() line["character_replacements"] = extract_dialogue_replacements(line.character, line.character.length() + 2 + indent_size) for replacement in line.character_replacements: if replacement.has("error"): add_error(id, replacement.index, replacement.error) if not line["character"] in character_names: character_names.append(line["character"]) line["text"] = ":".join(bits).replace("!ESCAPED_COLON!", ":").strip_edges() if line.get("translation_key", null) == null: line["translation_key"] = line.text func extract_mutation(line: String) -> Dictionary: var found: RegExMatch = MUTATION_REGEX.search(line) if not found: return { index = 0, error = DialogueConstants.ERR_INCOMPLETE_EXPRESSION } if found.names.has("mutation"): var expression: Array = tokenise(found.strings[found.names.mutation], DialogueConstants.TYPE_MUTATION, found.get_start("mutation")) if expression.size() == 0: return { index = found.get_start("mutation"), error = DialogueConstants.ERR_INCOMPLETE_EXPRESSION } elif expression[0].type == DialogueConstants.TYPE_ERROR: return { index = expression[0].index, error = expression[0].value } else: return { expression = expression, is_blocking = not "!" in found.strings[found.names.keyword] } else: return { index = found.get_start(), error = DialogueConstants.ERR_INCOMPLETE_EXPRESSION } func extract_condition(raw_line: String, is_wrapped: bool, index: int) -> Dictionary: var condition: Dictionary = {} var regex: RegEx = WRAPPED_CONDITION_REGEX if is_wrapped else CONDITION_REGEX var found: RegExMatch = regex.search(raw_line) if found == null: return { index = 0, error = DialogueConstants.ERR_INCOMPLETE_EXPRESSION } var raw_condition: String = found.strings[found.names.condition] var expression: Array = tokenise(raw_condition, DialogueConstants.TYPE_CONDITION, index + found.get_start("condition")) if expression.size() == 0: return { index = index + found.get_start("condition"), error = DialogueConstants.ERR_INCOMPLETE_EXPRESSION } elif expression[0].type == DialogueConstants.TYPE_ERROR: return { index = expression[0].index, error = expression[0].value } else: return { expression = expression } func extract_dialogue_replacements(text: String, index: int) -> Array[Dictionary]: var founds: Array[RegExMatch] = REPLACEMENTS_REGEX.search_all(text) if founds == null or founds.size() == 0: return [] var replacements: Array[Dictionary] = [] for found in founds: var replacement: Dictionary = {} var value_in_text: String = found.strings[1] var expression: Array = tokenise(value_in_text, DialogueConstants.TYPE_DIALOGUE, index + found.get_start(1)) if expression.size() == 0: replacement = { index = index + found.get_start(1), error = DialogueConstants.ERR_INCOMPLETE_EXPRESSION } elif expression[0].type == DialogueConstants.TYPE_ERROR: replacement = { index = expression[0].index, error = expression[0].value } else: replacement = { value_in_text = "{{%s}}" % value_in_text, expression = expression } replacements.append(replacement) return replacements func extract_goto(line: String) -> String: var found: RegExMatch = GOTO_REGEX.search(line) if found == null: return DialogueConstants.ID_ERROR var title: String = found.strings[found.names.jump_to_title].strip_edges() if " " in title or title == "": return DialogueConstants.ID_ERROR_INVALID_TITLE # "=> END!" means end the conversation if title == "END!": return DialogueConstants.ID_END_CONVERSATION # "=> END" means end the current title (and go back to the previous one if there is one # in the stack) elif title == "END": return DialogueConstants.ID_END elif titles.has(title): return titles.get(title) else: return DialogueConstants.ID_ERROR func extract_tags(line: String) -> ResolvedTagData: var resolved_tags: PackedStringArray = [] var tag_matches: Array[RegExMatch] = TAGS_REGEX.search_all(line) for tag_match in tag_matches: line = line.replace(tag_match.get_string(), "") var tags = tag_match.get_string().replace("[#", "").replace("]", "").replace(", ", ",").split(",") for tag in tags: tag = tag.replace("#", "") if not tag in resolved_tags: resolved_tags.append(tag) return ResolvedTagData.new({ tags = resolved_tags, line_without_tags = line }) func extract_markers(line: String) -> ResolvedLineData: var text: String = line var pauses: Dictionary = {} var speeds: Dictionary = {} var mutations: Array[Array] = [] var bbcodes: Array = [] var time: String = "" # Remove any escaped brackets (ie. "\[") var escaped_open_brackets: PackedInt32Array = [] var escaped_close_brackets: PackedInt32Array = [] for i in range(0, text.length() - 1): if text.substr(i, 2) == "\\[": text = text.substr(0, i) + "!" + text.substr(i + 2) escaped_open_brackets.append(i) elif text.substr(i, 2) == "\\]": text = text.substr(0, i) + "!" + text.substr(i + 2) escaped_close_brackets.append(i) # Extract all of the BB codes so that we know the actual text (we could do this easier with # a RichTextLabel but then we'd need to await idle_frame which is annoying) var bbcode_positions = find_bbcode_positions_in_string(text) var accumulaive_length_offset = 0 for position in bbcode_positions: # Ignore our own markers if position.code in ["wait", "speed", "/speed", "do", "do!", "set", "next", "if", "else", "/if"]: continue bbcodes.append({ bbcode = position.bbcode, start = position.start, offset_start = position.start - accumulaive_length_offset }) accumulaive_length_offset += position.bbcode.length() for bb in bbcodes: text = text.substr(0, bb.offset_start) + text.substr(bb.offset_start + bb.bbcode.length()) # Now find any dialogue markers var next_bbcode_position = find_bbcode_positions_in_string(text, false) var limit = 0 while next_bbcode_position.size() > 0 and limit < 1000: limit += 1 var bbcode = next_bbcode_position[0] var index = bbcode.start var code = bbcode.code var raw_args = bbcode.raw_args var args = {} if code in ["do", "do!", "set"]: args["value"] = extract_mutation("%s %s" % [code, raw_args]) else: # Could be something like: # "=1.0" # " rate=20 level=10" if raw_args and raw_args[0] == "=": raw_args = "value" + raw_args for pair in raw_args.strip_edges().split(" "): if "=" in pair: var bits = pair.split("=") args[bits[0]] = bits[1] match code: "wait": if pauses.has(index): pauses[index] += args.get("value").to_float() else: pauses[index] = args.get("value").to_float() "speed": speeds[index] = args.get("value").to_float() "/speed": speeds[index] = 1.0 "do", "do!", "set": mutations.append([index, args.get("value")]) "next": time = args.get("value") if args.has("value") else "0" # Find any BB codes that are after this index and remove the length from their start var length = bbcode.bbcode.length() for bb in bbcodes: if bb.offset_start > bbcode.start: bb.offset_start -= length bb.start -= length # Find any escaped brackets after this that need moving for i in range(0, escaped_open_brackets.size()): if escaped_open_brackets[i] > bbcode.start: escaped_open_brackets[i] -= length for i in range(0, escaped_close_brackets.size()): if escaped_close_brackets[i] > bbcode.start: escaped_close_brackets[i] -= length text = text.substr(0, index) + text.substr(index + length) next_bbcode_position = find_bbcode_positions_in_string(text, false) # Put the BB Codes back in for bb in bbcodes: text = text.insert(bb.start, bb.bbcode) # Put the escaped brackets back in for index in escaped_open_brackets: text = text.left(index) + "[" + text.right(text.length() - index - 1) for index in escaped_close_brackets: text = text.left(index) + "]" + text.right(text.length() - index - 1) return ResolvedLineData.new({ text = text, pauses = pauses, speeds = speeds, mutations = mutations, time = time }) func find_bbcode_positions_in_string(string: String, find_all: bool = true) -> Array[Dictionary]: if not "[" in string: return [] var positions: Array[Dictionary] = [] var open_brace_count: int = 0 var start: int = 0 var bbcode: String = "" var code: String = "" var is_finished_code: bool = false for i in range(0, string.length()): if string[i] == "[": if open_brace_count == 0: start = i bbcode = "" code = "" is_finished_code = false open_brace_count += 1 else: if not is_finished_code and (string[i].to_upper() != string[i] or string[i] == "/" or string[i] == "!"): code += string[i] else: is_finished_code = true if open_brace_count > 0: bbcode += string[i] if string[i] == "]": open_brace_count -= 1 if open_brace_count == 0 and not code in ["if", "else", "/if"]: positions.append({ bbcode = bbcode, code = code, start = start, raw_args = bbcode.substr(code.length() + 1, bbcode.length() - code.length() - 2).strip_edges() }) if not find_all: return positions return positions func tokenise(text: String, line_type: String, index: int) -> Array: var tokens: Array[Dictionary] = [] var limit: int = 0 while text.strip_edges() != "" and limit < 1000: limit += 1 var found = find_match(text) if found.size() > 0: tokens.append({ index = index, type = found.type, value = found.value }) index += found.value.length() text = found.remaining_text elif text.begins_with(" "): index += 1 text = text.substr(1) else: return build_token_tree_error(DialogueConstants.ERR_INVALID_EXPRESSION, index) return build_token_tree(tokens, line_type, "")[0] func build_token_tree_error(error: int, index: int) -> Array: return [{ type = DialogueConstants.TOKEN_ERROR, value = error, index = index }] func build_token_tree(tokens: Array[Dictionary], line_type: String, expected_close_token: String) -> Array: var tree: Array[Dictionary] = [] var limit = 0 while tokens.size() > 0 and limit < 1000: limit += 1 var token = tokens.pop_front() var error = check_next_token(token, tokens, line_type, expected_close_token) if error != OK: return [build_token_tree_error(error, token.index), tokens] match token.type: DialogueConstants.TOKEN_FUNCTION: var sub_tree = build_token_tree(tokens, line_type, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_PARENS_CLOSE) if sub_tree[0].size() > 0 and sub_tree[0][0].type == DialogueConstants.TOKEN_ERROR: return [build_token_tree_error(sub_tree[0][0].value, token.index), tokens] tree.append({ type = DialogueConstants.TOKEN_FUNCTION, # Consume the trailing "(" function = token.value.substr(0, token.value.length() - 1), value = tokens_to_list(sub_tree[0]) }) tokens = sub_tree[1] DialogueConstants.TOKEN_DICTIONARY_REFERENCE: var sub_tree = build_token_tree(tokens, line_type, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BRACKET_CLOSE) if sub_tree[0].size() > 0 and sub_tree[0][0].type == DialogueConstants.TOKEN_ERROR: return [build_token_tree_error(sub_tree[0][0].value, token.index), tokens] var args = tokens_to_list(sub_tree[0]) if args.size() != 1: return [build_token_tree_error(DialogueConstants.ERR_INVALID_INDEX, token.index), tokens] tree.append({ type = DialogueConstants.TOKEN_DICTIONARY_REFERENCE, # Consume the trailing "[" variable = token.value.substr(0, token.value.length() - 1), value = args[0] }) tokens = sub_tree[1] DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN: var sub_tree = build_token_tree(tokens, line_type, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE) if sub_tree[0].size() > 0 and sub_tree[0][0].type == DialogueConstants.TOKEN_ERROR: return [build_token_tree_error(sub_tree[0][0].value, token.index), tokens] var t = sub_tree[0] for i in range(0, t.size() - 2): # Convert Lua style dictionaries to string keys if t[i].type == DialogueConstants.TOKEN_VARIABLE and t[i+1].type == DialogueConstants.TOKEN_ASSIGNMENT: t[i].type = DialogueConstants.TOKEN_STRING t[i+1].type = DialogueConstants.TOKEN_COLON t[i+1].erase("value") tree.append({ type = DialogueConstants.TOKEN_DICTIONARY, value = tokens_to_dictionary(sub_tree[0]) }) tokens = sub_tree[1] DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BRACKET_OPEN: var sub_tree = build_token_tree(tokens, line_type, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BRACKET_CLOSE) if sub_tree[0].size() > 0 and sub_tree[0][0].type == DialogueConstants.TOKEN_ERROR: return [build_token_tree_error(sub_tree[0][0].value, token.index), tokens] var type = DialogueConstants.TOKEN_ARRAY var value = tokens_to_list(sub_tree[0]) # See if this is referencing a nested dictionary value if tree.size() > 0: var previous_token = tree[tree.size() - 1] if previous_token.type in [DialogueConstants.TOKEN_DICTIONARY_REFERENCE, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_DICTIONARY_NESTED_REFERENCE]: type = DialogueConstants.TOKEN_DICTIONARY_NESTED_REFERENCE value = value[0] tree.append({ type = type, value = value }) tokens = sub_tree[1] DialogueConstants.TOKEN_PARENS_OPEN: var sub_tree = build_token_tree(tokens, line_type, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_PARENS_CLOSE) if sub_tree[0][0].type == DialogueConstants.TOKEN_ERROR: return [build_token_tree_error(sub_tree[0][0].value, token.index), tokens] tree.append({ type = DialogueConstants.TOKEN_GROUP, value = sub_tree[0] }) tokens = sub_tree[1] DialogueConstants.TOKEN_PARENS_CLOSE, \ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE, \ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BRACKET_CLOSE: if token.type != expected_close_token: return [build_token_tree_error(DialogueConstants.ERR_UNEXPECTED_CLOSING_BRACKET, token.index), tokens] return [tree, tokens] DialogueConstants.TOKEN_NOT: # Double nots negate each other if tokens.size() > 0 and tokens.front().type == DialogueConstants.TOKEN_NOT: tokens.pop_front() else: tree.append({ type = token.type }) DialogueConstants.TOKEN_COMMA, \ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_COLON, \ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_DOT: tree.append({ type = token.type }) DialogueConstants.TOKEN_COMPARISON, \ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_ASSIGNMENT, \ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_OPERATOR, \ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_AND_OR, \ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_VARIABLE: var value = token.value.strip_edges() if value == "&&": value = "and" elif value == "||": value = "or" tree.append({ type = token.type, value = value }) DialogueConstants.TOKEN_STRING: if token.value.begins_with("&"): tree.append({ type = token.type, value = StringName(token.value.substr(2, token.value.length() - 3)) }) else: tree.append({ type = token.type, value = token.value.substr(1, token.value.length() - 2) }) DialogueConstants.TOKEN_CONDITION: return [build_token_tree_error(DialogueConstants.ERR_UNEXPECTED_CONDITION, token.index), token] DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BOOL: tree.append({ type = token.type, value = token.value.to_lower() == "true" }) DialogueConstants.TOKEN_NUMBER: var value = token.value.to_float() if "." in token.value else token.value.to_int() # If previous token is a number and this one is a negative number then # inject a minus operator token in between them. if tree.size() > 0 and token.value.begins_with("-") and tree[tree.size() - 1].type == DialogueConstants.TOKEN_NUMBER: tree.append(({ type = DialogueConstants.TOKEN_OPERATOR, value = "-" })) tree.append({ type = token.type, value = -1 * value }) else: tree.append({ type = token.type, value = value }) if expected_close_token != "": var index: int = tokens[0].index if tokens.size() > 0 else 0 return [build_token_tree_error(DialogueConstants.ERR_MISSING_CLOSING_BRACKET, index), tokens] return [tree, tokens] func check_next_token(token: Dictionary, next_tokens: Array[Dictionary], line_type: String, expected_close_token: String) -> Error: var next_token: Dictionary = { type = null } if next_tokens.size() > 0: next_token = next_tokens.front() # Guard for assigning in a condition. If the assignment token isn't inside a Lua dictionary # then it's an unexpected assignment in a condition line. if token.type == DialogueConstants.TOKEN_ASSIGNMENT and line_type == DialogueConstants.TYPE_CONDITION and not next_tokens.any(func(t): return t.type == expected_close_token): return DialogueConstants.ERR_UNEXPECTED_ASSIGNMENT # Special case for a negative number after this one if token.type == DialogueConstants.TOKEN_NUMBER and next_token.type == DialogueConstants.TOKEN_NUMBER and next_token.value.begins_with("-"): return OK var expected_token_types = [] var unexpected_token_types = [] match token.type: DialogueConstants.TOKEN_FUNCTION, \ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_PARENS_OPEN: unexpected_token_types = [ null, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_COMMA, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_COLON, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_COMPARISON, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_ASSIGNMENT, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_OPERATOR, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_AND_OR, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_DOT ] DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BRACKET_CLOSE: unexpected_token_types = [ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_NOT, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BOOL, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_STRING, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_NUMBER, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_VARIABLE ] DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN: expected_token_types = [ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_STRING, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_VARIABLE, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_NUMBER, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE ] DialogueConstants.TOKEN_PARENS_CLOSE, \ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE: unexpected_token_types = [ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_NOT, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_ASSIGNMENT, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BOOL, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_STRING, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_NUMBER, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_VARIABLE ] DialogueConstants.TOKEN_COMPARISON, \ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_OPERATOR, \ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_COMMA, \ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_DOT, \ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_NOT, \ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_AND_OR, \ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_DICTIONARY_REFERENCE: unexpected_token_types = [ null, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_COMMA, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_COLON, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_COMPARISON, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_ASSIGNMENT, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_OPERATOR, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_AND_OR, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_PARENS_CLOSE, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BRACKET_CLOSE, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_DOT ] DialogueConstants.TOKEN_COLON: unexpected_token_types = [ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_COMMA, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_COLON, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_COMPARISON, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_ASSIGNMENT, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_OPERATOR, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_AND_OR, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_PARENS_CLOSE, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BRACKET_CLOSE, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_DOT ] DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BOOL, \ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_STRING, \ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_NUMBER: unexpected_token_types = [ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_NOT, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_ASSIGNMENT, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BOOL, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_STRING, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_NUMBER, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_VARIABLE, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_FUNCTION, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_PARENS_OPEN, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BRACKET_OPEN ] DialogueConstants.TOKEN_VARIABLE: unexpected_token_types = [ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_NOT, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BOOL, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_STRING, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_NUMBER, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_VARIABLE, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_FUNCTION, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_PARENS_OPEN, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN, DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BRACKET_OPEN ] if (expected_token_types.size() > 0 and not next_token.type in expected_token_types or unexpected_token_types.size() > 0 and next_token.type in unexpected_token_types): match next_token.type: null: return DialogueConstants.ERR_UNEXPECTED_END_OF_EXPRESSION DialogueConstants.TOKEN_FUNCTION: return DialogueConstants.ERR_UNEXPECTED_FUNCTION DialogueConstants.TOKEN_PARENS_OPEN, \ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_PARENS_CLOSE: return DialogueConstants.ERR_UNEXPECTED_BRACKET DialogueConstants.TOKEN_COMPARISON, \ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_ASSIGNMENT, \ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_OPERATOR, \ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_NOT, \ DialogueConstants.TOKEN_AND_OR: return DialogueConstants.ERR_UNEXPECTED_OPERATOR DialogueConstants.TOKEN_COMMA: return DialogueConstants.ERR_UNEXPECTED_COMMA DialogueConstants.TOKEN_COLON: return DialogueConstants.ERR_UNEXPECTED_COLON DialogueConstants.TOKEN_DOT: return DialogueConstants.ERR_UNEXPECTED_DOT DialogueConstants.TOKEN_BOOL: return DialogueConstants.ERR_UNEXPECTED_BOOLEAN DialogueConstants.TOKEN_STRING: return DialogueConstants.ERR_UNEXPECTED_STRING DialogueConstants.TOKEN_NUMBER: return DialogueConstants.ERR_UNEXPECTED_NUMBER DialogueConstants.TOKEN_VARIABLE: return DialogueConstants.ERR_UNEXPECTED_VARIABLE return DialogueConstants.ERR_INVALID_EXPRESSION return OK func tokens_to_list(tokens: Array[Dictionary]) -> Array[Array]: var list: Array[Array] = [] var current_item: Array[Dictionary] = [] for token in tokens: if token.type == DialogueConstants.TOKEN_COMMA: list.append(current_item) current_item = [] else: current_item.append(token) if current_item.size() > 0: list.append(current_item) return list func tokens_to_dictionary(tokens: Array[Dictionary]) -> Dictionary: var dictionary = {} for i in range(0, tokens.size()): if tokens[i].type == DialogueConstants.TOKEN_COLON: if tokens.size() == i + 2: dictionary[tokens[i-1]] = tokens[i+1] else: dictionary[tokens[i-1]] = { type = DialogueConstants.TOKEN_GROUP, value = tokens.slice(i+1) } return dictionary func find_match(input: String) -> Dictionary: for key in TOKEN_DEFINITIONS.keys(): var regex = TOKEN_DEFINITIONS.get(key) var found = regex.search(input) if found: return { type = key, remaining_text = input.substr(found.strings[0].length()), value = found.strings[0] } return {}