class_name DialogueManagerExampleBalloon extends CanvasLayer ## A basic dialogue balloon for use with Dialogue Manager. ## The action to use for advancing the dialogue @export var next_action: StringName = &"ui_accept" ## The action to use to skip typing the dialogue @export var skip_action: StringName = &"ui_cancel" ## The dialogue resource var resource: DialogueResource ## Temporary game states var temporary_game_states: Array = [] ## See if we are waiting for the player var is_waiting_for_input: bool = false ## See if we are running a long mutation and should hide the balloon var will_hide_balloon: bool = false ## A dictionary to store any ephemeral variables var locals: Dictionary = {} var _locale: String = TranslationServer.get_locale() ## The current line var dialogue_line: DialogueLine: set(next_dialogue_line): is_waiting_for_input = false balloon.focus_mode = Control.FOCUS_ALL balloon.grab_focus() # The dialogue has finished so close the balloon if not next_dialogue_line: queue_free() return # If the node isn't ready yet then none of the labels will be ready yet either if not is_node_ready(): await ready dialogue_line = next_dialogue_line character_label.visible = not dialogue_line.character.is_empty() character_label.text = tr(dialogue_line.character, "dialogue") dialogue_label.hide() dialogue_label.dialogue_line = dialogue_line responses_menu.hide() responses_menu.set_responses(dialogue_line.responses) # Show our balloon will_hide_balloon = false if not dialogue_line.text.is_empty(): dialogue_label.type_out() await dialogue_label.finished_typing # Wait for input if dialogue_line.responses.size() > 0: balloon.focus_mode = Control.FOCUS_NONE elif dialogue_line.time != "": var time = dialogue_line.text.length() * 0.02 if dialogue_line.time == "auto" else dialogue_line.time.to_float() await get_tree().create_timer(time).timeout next(dialogue_line.next_id) else: is_waiting_for_input = true balloon.focus_mode = Control.FOCUS_ALL balloon.grab_focus() get: return dialogue_line ## The base balloon anchor @onready var balloon: Control = %Balloon ## The label showing the name of the currently speaking character @onready var character_label: RichTextLabel = %CharacterLabel ## The label showing the currently spoken dialogue @onready var dialogue_label: DialogueLabel = %DialogueLabel ## The menu of responses @onready var responses_menu: DialogueResponsesMenu = %ResponsesMenu func _ready() -> void: balloon.hide() Engine.get_singleton("DialogueManager").mutated.connect(_on_mutated) # If the responses menu doesn't have a next action set, use this one if responses_menu.next_action.is_empty(): responses_menu.next_action = next_action func _unhandled_input(_event: InputEvent) -> void: # Only the balloon is allowed to handle input while it's showing get_viewport().set_input_as_handled() func _notification(what: int) -> void: ## Detect a change of locale and update the current dialogue line to show the new language if what == NOTIFICATION_TRANSLATION_CHANGED and _locale != TranslationServer.get_locale() and is_instance_valid(dialogue_label): _locale = TranslationServer.get_locale() var visible_ratio = dialogue_label.visible_ratio self.dialogue_line = await resource.get_next_dialogue_line( if visible_ratio < 1: dialogue_label.skip_typing() ## Start some dialogue func start(dialogue_resource: DialogueResource, title: String, extra_game_states: Array = []) -> void: temporary_game_states = [self] + extra_game_states is_waiting_for_input = false resource = dialogue_resource self.dialogue_line = await resource.get_next_dialogue_line(title, temporary_game_states) ## Go to the next line func next(next_id: String) -> void: self.dialogue_line = await resource.get_next_dialogue_line(next_id, temporary_game_states) #region Signals func _on_mutated(_mutation: Dictionary) -> void: is_waiting_for_input = false will_hide_balloon = true get_tree().create_timer(0.1).timeout.connect(func(): if will_hide_balloon: will_hide_balloon = false balloon.hide() ) func _on_balloon_gui_input(event: InputEvent) -> void: # See if we need to skip typing of the dialogue if dialogue_label.is_typing: var mouse_was_clicked: bool = event is InputEventMouseButton and event.button_index == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT and event.is_pressed() var skip_button_was_pressed: bool = event.is_action_pressed(skip_action) if mouse_was_clicked or skip_button_was_pressed: get_viewport().set_input_as_handled() dialogue_label.skip_typing() return if not is_waiting_for_input: return if dialogue_line.responses.size() > 0: return # When there are no response options the balloon itself is the clickable thing get_viewport().set_input_as_handled() if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.is_pressed() and event.button_index == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT: next(dialogue_line.next_id) elif event.is_action_pressed(next_action) and get_viewport().gui_get_focus_owner() == balloon: next(dialogue_line.next_id) func _on_responses_menu_response_selected(response: DialogueResponse) -> void: next(response.next_id) #endregion