2025-01-17 21:42:05 +08:00

117 lines
3.1 KiB

extends EditorImportPlugin
signal compiled_resource(resource: Resource)
const DialogueResource = preload("./")
const DialogueManagerParser = preload("./components/")
const DialogueManagerParseResult = preload("./components/")
const compiler_version = 13
func _get_importer_name() -> String:
# NOTE: A change to this forces a re-import of all dialogue
return "dialogue_manager_compiler_%s" % compiler_version
func _get_visible_name() -> String:
return "Dialogue"
func _get_import_order() -> int:
return -1000
func _get_priority() -> float:
return 1000.0
func _get_resource_type():
return "Resource"
func _get_recognized_extensions() -> PackedStringArray:
return PackedStringArray(["dialogue"])
func _get_save_extension():
return "tres"
func _get_preset_count() -> int:
return 0
func _get_preset_name(preset_index: int) -> String:
return "Unknown"
func _get_import_options(path: String, preset_index: int) -> Array:
# When the options array is empty there is a misleading error on export
# that actually means nothing so let's just have an invisible option.
return [{
name = "defaults",
default_value = true
func _get_option_visibility(path: String, option_name: StringName, options: Dictionary) -> bool:
return false
func _import(source_file: String, save_path: String, options: Dictionary, platform_variants: Array[String], gen_files: Array[String]) -> Error:
var cache = Engine.get_meta("DialogueCache")
# Get the raw file contents
if not FileAccess.file_exists(source_file): return ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
var file: FileAccess =, FileAccess.READ)
var raw_text: String = file.get_as_text()
cache.file_content_changed.emit(source_file, raw_text)
# Parse the text
var parser: DialogueManagerParser =
var err: Error = parser.parse(raw_text, source_file)
var data: DialogueManagerParseResult = parser.get_data()
var errors: Array[Dictionary] = parser.get_errors()
if err != OK:
printerr("%d errors found in %s" % [errors.size(), source_file])
cache.add_errors_to_file(source_file, errors)
return err
# Get the current addon version
var config: ConfigFile =
var version: String = config.get_value("plugin", "version")
# Save the results to a resource
var resource: DialogueResource =
resource.set_meta("dialogue_manager_version", version)
resource.using_states = data.using_states
resource.titles = data.titles
resource.first_title = data.first_title
resource.character_names = data.character_names
resource.lines = data.lines
resource.raw_text = data.raw_text
# Clear errors and possibly trigger any cascade recompiles
cache.add_file(source_file, data)
err =, "%s.%s" % [save_path, _get_save_extension()])
# Recompile any dependencies
var dependent_paths: PackedStringArray = cache.get_dependent_paths_for_reimport(source_file)
for path in dependent_paths:
return err